Latest release of WordPress 6.1

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WordPress Version 6.0
December 27, 2021
Prime Day was Biggest Day in the History of Amazon
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WordPress Version 6.0
December 27, 2021
WordPress Development

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On February 11, 2021, the release of WordPress 6.1, also known as “Dinah,” was made available. This small update to the popular content management system brings a variety of new features, additions, and bug fixes to the platform.

One of the most noteworthy new features in WordPress 6.1 is the addition of the block directory. This feature allows users to easily browse and install blocks directly from the block editor, making it simpler to add new functionality to their websites without leaving the editor.

WordPress 6.1 also includes several improvements to the block editor, including the ability to view block patterns and reusable blocks from the inserter and the ability to lock block patterns so they can’t be edited.

In addition to these improvements, the release includes better accessibility, with the addition of keyboard shortcuts for the block editor and improved contrast ratios for the admin color schemes.

Other key changes in WordPress 6.1 include improved support for the custom logo feature, new functions for developers to query block data, and improved data handling when importing and exporting posts.

In conclusion, WordPress 6.1 is a strong update that offers new features and improvements to the popular content management system. If you use WordPress, be sure to upgrade to version 6.1 to take advantage of all the new features and enhancements.